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     Karl Rosenberger
 Consulting, individual
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   < Project management & Industrial engineering  >

Individual capacity = flexibility and profit
Competence, capacity in engineering and more services

Project management & Industrial engineering
If you are too short-staffed in this fields, you have to face enormous and nonessential follow-up costs.
Therefore you should require extern qualifies capacity in time.
We support you in project management, subproject management, industrial engineering and quality management.
If you want you get a weak-point analysis of your projects, quasi as by-product .

==> Qualifications and experiences in this field

Karl Rosenberger +++ Your competent partner +++ Tel. +49 (0)8382 99091 info@DienstleistungenRosenberger.de
Consulting, Project management, Industrial engineering, Trade fair service, Web service and more services
Conrad- Forster- Str. 6    D- 88149 Nonnenhorn                                                                                                        © 2010 Karl Rosenberger